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#include "n2n.h"
static int keep_running;
int main()
n2n_edge_conf_t conf;
tuntap_dev tuntap;
n2n_edge_t *eee;
int rc;
conf.allow_p2p = 1; // Whether to allow peer-to-peer communication
conf.allow_routing = 1; // Whether to allow the edge to route packets to other edges
snprintf((char *)conf.community_name, sizeof(conf.community_name), "%s", "mycommunity"); // Community to connect to
conf.disable_pmtu_discovery = 1; // Whether to disable the path MTU discovery
conf.drop_multicast = 0; // Whether to disable multicast
conf.dyn_ip_mode = 0; // Whether the IP address is set dynamically (see IP mode; 0 if static, 1 if dynamic)
conf.encrypt_key = "mysecret"; // Secret to decrypt & encrypt with
conf.local_port = 0; // What port to use (0 = any port)
conf.mgmt_port = N2N_EDGE_MGMT_PORT; // Edge management port (5644 by default)
conf.register_interval = 1; // Interval for both UDP NAT hole punching and supernode registration
conf.register_ttl = 1; // Interval for UDP NAT hole punching through supernode
edge_conf_add_supernode(&conf, "localhost:1234"); // Supernode to connect to
conf.tos = 16; // Type of service for sent packets
conf.transop_id = N2N_TRANSFORM_ID_TWOFISH; // Use the twofish encryption
if (edge_verify_conf(&conf) != 0)
return -1;
if (tuntap_open(&tuntap,
"edge0", // Name of the device to create
"static", // IP mode; static|dhcp
"", // Set ip address
"", // Netmask to use
"DE:AD:BE:EF:01:10", // Set mac address
DEFAULT_MTU) < 0) // MTU to use
return -1;
eee = edge_init(&tuntap, &conf, &rc);
if (eee == NULL)
keep_running = 1;
rc = run_edge_loop(eee, &keep_running);
return rc;