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# The configuration file is similar to the command line, with one option per line. An equal
# sign '=' should be used between key and value. Example: -c=mynetwork or --community=mynetwork
# This file contains a basic configuration example, please refer to the help (-h) for the full
# list of available options.
# -d|--tun-device
# Specifies the name of the TUN interface.
# -c|--community
# Specifies the n2n community name the edge belongs to.
# -k
# Sets the encryption key (ASCII). The environment variable N2N_KEY=<key> can also be used.
# -m
# Specified the MAC address for the TAP interface (random otherwise).
# -m=DE:AD:BE:EF:99:99
# -a
# Sets the interface address. For DHCP use '-r -a dhcp:'.
# -p
# Sets the local UDP port to a fixed port.
# -l|--supernode-list
# Specifies the supernode IP and port.