# Management API This document is focused on the machine readable API interfaces. Both the edge and the supernode provide a management interface UDP port. These interfaces have some documentation on their non machine readable commands in the respective daemon man pages. Default Ports: - UDP/5644 - edge - UDP/5645 - supernode A Quick start example query: `echo r 1 help | nc -w1 -u 5644` ## JSON Query interface A machine readable API is available for both the edge and supernode. It takes a simple text request and replies with JSON formatted data. The request is in simple text so that the daemon does not need to include any complex parser. The replies are all in JSON so that the data is fully machine readable and the schema can be updated as needed - the burden is entirely on the client to handle different replies with different fields. It is expected that any client software will be written in higher level programming languages where this flexibility is easy to provide. Since the API is over UDP, the replies are structured so that each part of the reply is clearly tagged as belonging to one request and there is a clear begin and end marker for the reply. This is expected to support the future possibilities of pipelined and overlapping transactions as well as pub/sub asynchronous event channels. The replies will also handle some small amount of re-ordering of the packets, but that is not an specific goal of the protocol. Note that this API will reply with a relatively large number of UDP packets and that it is not intended for high frequency or high volume data transfer. It was written to use a low amount of memory and to support incremental generation of the reply data. With a small amount of effort, the API is intended to be human readable, but this is intended for debugging. ## Request API The request is a single UDP packet containing one line of text with at least three space separated fields. Any text after the third field is available for the API method to use for additional parameters Fields: - Message Type - Options - Method - Optional Additional Parameters The maximum length of the entire line of text is 80 octets. ### Message Type This is a single octet that is either "r" for a read (or query) method call or "w" for a write (or change) method call. To simplify the interface, the reply from both read and write calls to the same method is expected to contain the same data. In the case of a write call, the reply will contain the new state after making the requested change. ### Options The options field is a colon separated set of options for this request. Only the first subfield (the "tag") is mandatory. The second subfield is a set of flags that describe which optional subfields are present. If there are no additional subfields then the flags can be omitted. SubFields: - Message Tag - Optional Message Flags (defaults to 0) - Optional Authentication Key #### Message Tag Each request provides a tag value. Any non error reply associated with this request will include this tag value, allowing all related messages to be collected within the client. The tag will be truncated if needed by the daemon, but there will be at least 8 octets of space available. Where possible, the error replies will also include this tag, however some errors occur before the tag is parsed. The tag is not interpreted by the daemon, it is simply echoed back in all the replies. It is expected to be a short string that the client chooses to be unique amongst all recent or still outstanding requests. One possible client implementation is a number between 0 and 999, incremented for each request and wrapping around to zero when it is greater than 999. #### Message Flags This subfield is a set of bit flags that are hex-encoded and describe any remaining optional subfields. Currently, only one flag is defined. The presence of that flag indicates that an authentication key subfield is also present. Values: - 0 - No additional subfields are present - 1 - One additional field, containing the authentication key #### Authentication Key A simple string password that is provided by the client to authenticate this request. See the Authentication section below for more discussion. #### Example Options value e.g: `102:1:PassWord` ### Example Request string e.g: `r 103:1:PassWord peer` ## Reply API Each UDP packet in the reply is a complete and valid JSON dictionary containing a fragment of information related to the entire reply. ### Common metadata There are two keys in each dictionary containing metadata. First is the `_tag`, containing the Message Tag from the original request. Second is the `_type` which identifies the expected contents of this packet. ### `_type: error` If an error condition occurs, a packet with a `error` key describing the error will be sent. This usually also indicates that there will be no more substantial data arriving related to this request. e.g: `{"_tag":"107","_type":"error","error":"badauth"}` ### `_type: begin` Before the start of any substantial data packets, a `begin` packet is sent. For consistency checking, the method in the request is echoed back in the `error` key. e.g: `{"_tag":"108","_type":"begin","cmd":"peer"}` For simplicity in decoding, if a `begin` packet is sent, all attempts are made to ensure that a final `end` packet is also sent. ### `_type: end` After the last substantial data packet, a final `end` packet is sent to signal to the client that this reply is finished. e.g: `{"_tag":"108","_type":"end"}` ### `_type: row` The substantial bulk of the data in the reply is contained within one or more `row` packets. The non metadata contents of each `row` packet is defined entirely by the method called and may change from version to version. Each `row` packet contains exactly one complete JSON object. The row replies may be processed incrementally as each row arrives and no batching of multiple packets will be required. e.g: `{"_tag":"108","_type":"row","mode":"p2p","ip4addr":"","macaddr":"86:56:21:E4:AA:39","sockaddr":"","desc":"client4","lastseen":1584682200}` ## Authentication Some API requests will make global changes to the running daemon and may affect the availability of the n2n networking. Therefore the machine readable API include an authentication component. Currently, the only authentication is a simple password that the client must provide. It defaults to 'n2n' and can manually be set through the command line parameter `--management-password ` – for edge as well as for supernode.