#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Licensed under GPLv3 # # Simple script to query the management interface of a running n2n edge node import argparse import socket import json import collections import time class JsonUDP(): """encapsulate communication with the edge""" def __init__(self, port): self.address = "" self.port = port self.tag = 0 self.key = None self.debug = False self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self.sock.settimeout(1) def _next_tag(self): tagstr = str(self.tag) self.tag = (self.tag + 1) % 1000 return tagstr def _cmdstr(self, msgtype, cmdline): """Create the full command string to send""" tagstr = self._next_tag() options = [tagstr] if self.key is not None: options += ['1'] # Flags set for auth key field options += [self.key] optionsstr = ':'.join(options) return tagstr, ' '.join((msgtype, optionsstr, cmdline)) def _rx(self, tagstr): """Wait for rx packets""" seen_begin = False while not seen_begin: # TODO: there are no timeouts with any of the recv calls data, _ = self.sock.recvfrom(1024) data = json.loads(data.decode('utf8')) # TODO: We assume the first packet we get will be tagged for us assert (data['_tag'] == tagstr) if data['_type'] == 'error': raise ValueError('Error: {}'.format(data['error'])) if data['_type'] == 'replacing': # a signal that we have evicted an earlier subscribe continue if data['_type'] == 'subscribe': return True if data['_type'] == 'begin': seen_begin = True # Ideally, we would confirm that this is our "begin", but that # would need the cmd passed into this method, and that would # probably require parsing the cmdline passed to us :-( # assert(data['cmd'] == cmd) continue raise ValueError('Unknown data type {} from ' 'edge'.format(data['_type'])) result = list() error = None while True: data, _ = self.sock.recvfrom(1024) data = json.loads(data.decode('utf8')) if data['_tag'] != tagstr: # this packet is not for us, ignore it continue if data['_type'] == 'error': # we still expect an end packet, so save the error error = ValueError('Error: {}'.format(data['error'])) continue if data['_type'] == 'end': if error: raise error return result if data['_type'] != 'row': raise ValueError('Unknown data type {} from ' 'edge'.format(data['_type'])) # remove our boring metadata del data['_tag'] del data['_type'] if self.debug: print(data) result.append(data) def _call(self, msgtype, cmdline): """Perform a rpc call""" tagstr, msgstr = self._cmdstr(msgtype, cmdline) self.sock.sendto(msgstr.encode('utf8'), (self.address, self.port)) return self._rx(tagstr) def read(self, cmdline): return self._call('r', cmdline) def write(self, cmdline): return self._call('w', cmdline) def sub(self, cmdline): return self._call('s', cmdline) def readevent(self): self.sock.settimeout(3600) data, _ = self.sock.recvfrom(1024) data = json.loads(data.decode('utf8')) # assert(data['_tag'] == tagstr) assert (data['_type'] == 'event') del data['_tag'] del data['_type'] return data def str_table(rows, columns, orderby): """Given an array of dicts, do a simple table print""" result = list() widths = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0) if len(rows) == 0: # No data to show, be sure not to truncate the column headings for col in columns: widths[col] = len(col) else: for row in rows: for col in columns: if col in row: widths[col] = max(widths[col], len(str(row[col]))) for col in columns: if widths[col] == 0: widths[col] = 1 result += "{:{}.{}} ".format(col, widths[col], widths[col]) result += "\n" if orderby is not None: rows = sorted(rows, key=lambda row: row.get(orderby, 0)) for row in rows: for col in columns: if col in row: data = row[col] else: data = '' result += "{:{}} ".format(data, widths[col]) result += "\n" return ''.join(result) def num2timestr(seconds): """Convert a number of seconds into a human time""" days, seconds = divmod(seconds, (60*60*24)) hours, seconds = divmod(seconds, (60*60)) minutes, seconds = divmod(seconds, 60) r = [] if days: r += [f"{days}d"] if hours: r += [f"{hours}h"] if minutes: r += [f"{minutes}m"] if seconds: r += [f"{seconds}s"] return "".join(r) def subcmd_show_supernodes(rpc, args): rows = rpc.read('supernodes') columns = [ 'version', 'current', 'macaddr', 'sockaddr', 'uptime', 'last_seen', ] now = int(time.time()) for row in rows: row["last_seen"] = num2timestr(now - row["last_seen"]) return str_table(rows, columns, args.orderby) def subcmd_show_edges(rpc, args): rows = rpc.read('edges') columns = [ 'mode', 'ip4addr', 'macaddr', 'sockaddr', 'desc', 'last_seen', ] now = int(time.time()) for row in rows: row["last_seen"] = num2timestr(now - row["last_seen"]) return str_table(rows, columns, args.orderby) def subcmd_show_help(rpc, args): result = 'Commands with pretty-printed output:\n\n' for name, cmd in subcmds.items(): result += "{:12} {}\n".format(name, cmd['help']) result += "\n" result += "Possble remote commands:\n" result += "(those without a pretty-printer will pass-through)\n\n" rows = rpc.read('help') for row in rows: result += "{:12} {}\n".format(row['cmd'], row['help']) return result subcmds = { 'help': { 'func': subcmd_show_help, 'help': 'Show available commands', }, 'supernodes': { 'func': subcmd_show_supernodes, 'help': 'Show the list of supernodes', }, 'edges': { 'func': subcmd_show_edges, 'help': 'Show the list of edges/peers', }, } def subcmd_default(rpc, args): """Just pass command through to edge""" cmdline = ' '.join([args.cmd] + args.args) if args.write: rows = rpc.write(cmdline) elif args.read: rows = rpc.read(cmdline) elif args.sub: if not rpc.sub(cmdline): raise ValueError('Could not subscribe') while True: event = rpc.readevent() # FIXME: violates layering.. print(json.dumps(event, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) else: raise ValueError('Unknown request type') return json.dumps(rows, sort_keys=True, indent=4) def main(): ap = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Query the running local n2n edge') ap.add_argument('-t', '--mgmtport', action='store', default=5644, help='Management Port (default=5644)', type=int) ap.add_argument('-k', '--key', action='store', help='Password for mgmt commands') ap.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', help='Also show raw internal data') ap.add_argument('--raw', action='store_true', help='Force cmd to avoid any pretty printing') ap.add_argument('--orderby', action='store', help='Hint to a pretty printer on how to sort') group = ap.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument('--read', action='store_true', help='Make a read request (default)') group.add_argument('--write', action='store_true', help='Make a write request (only to non pretty' 'printed cmds)') group.add_argument('--sub', action='store_true', help='Make a subscribe request') ap.add_argument('cmd', action='store', help='Command to run (try "help" for list)') ap.add_argument('args', action='store', nargs="*", help='Optional args for the command') args = ap.parse_args() if not args.read and not args.write and not args.sub: args.read = True if args.raw or (args.cmd not in subcmds): func = subcmd_default else: func = subcmds[args.cmd]['func'] rpc = JsonUDP(args.mgmtport) rpc.debug = args.debug rpc.key = args.key try: result = func(rpc, args) except socket.timeout as e: print(e) exit(1) print(result) if __name__ == '__main__': main()