/** * (C) 2007-22 - ntop.org and contributors * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not see see * */ /* Supernode for n2n-2.x */ #include "n2n.h" #include "header_encryption.h" #define HASH_FIND_COMMUNITY(head, name, out) HASH_FIND_STR(head, name, out) static n2n_sn_t sss_node; void close_tcp_connection (n2n_sn_t *sss, n2n_tcp_connection_t *conn); void calculate_shared_secrets (n2n_sn_t *sss); int load_allowed_sn_community (n2n_sn_t *sss); int resolve_create_thread (n2n_resolve_parameter_t **param, struct peer_info *sn_list); /** Help message to print if the command line arguments are not valid. */ static void help (int level) { if(level == 0) /* no help required */ return; printf("\n"); print_n2n_version(); if(level == 1) /* short help */ { printf(" basic usage: supernode (see supernode.conf)\n" "\n" " or supernode " "[optional parameters, at least one] " "\n " "\n technically, all parameters are optional, but the supernode executable" "\n requires at least one parameter to run, .e.g. -v or -f, as otherwise this" "\n short help text is displayed" "\n\n -h shows a quick reference including all available options" "\n --help gives a detailed parameter description" "\n man files for n2n, edge, and superndode contain in-depth information" "\n\n"); } else if(level == 2) /* quick reference */ { printf(" general usage: supernode (see supernode.conf)\n" "\n" " or supernode " "[-p ] " "\n " "[-F ] " "\n options for under- " "[-l ] " "\n lying connection " #ifdef SN_MANUAL_MAC "[-m ] " #endif "[-M] " "[-V ] " "\n\n overlay network " "[-c ] " "\n configuration " "[-a -/] " "\n\n local options " #if defined(N2N_HAVE_DAEMON) "[-f] " #endif "[-t ] " "\n " "[--management-password ] " "[-v] " #ifndef WIN32 "\n " "[-u ]" "[-g ]" #endif "\n\n meaning of the " "[-M] disable MAC and IP address spoofing protection" "\n flag options " #if defined(N2N_HAVE_DAEMON) "[-f] do not fork but run in foreground" "\n " #endif "[-v] make more verbose, repeat as required" "\n " "\n technically, all parameters are optional, but the supernode executable" "\n requires at least one parameter to run, .e.g. -v or -f, as otherwise a" "\n short help text is displayed" "\n\n -h shows this quick reference including all available options" "\n --help gives a detailed parameter description" "\n man files for n2n, edge, and superndode contain in-depth information" "\n\n"); } else /* long help */ { printf(" general usage: supernode (see supernode.conf)\n" "\n" " or supernode [optional parameters, at least one]\n\n" ); printf (" OPTIONS FOR THE UNDERLYING NETWORK CONNECTION\n"); printf (" ---------------------------------------------\n\n"); printf(" -p | fixed local UDP port, defaults to %u\n", N2N_SN_LPORT_DEFAULT); printf(" -F | name of the supernode's federation, defaults to\n" " | '%s'\n", (char *)FEDERATION_NAME); printf(" -l | ip address or name, and port of known supernode\n"); #ifdef SN_MANUAL_MAC printf(" -m | fixed MAC address for the supernode, e.g.\n" " | '-m 10:20:30:40:50:60', random otherwise\n"); #endif printf(" -M | disable MAC and IP address spoofing protection for all\n" " | non-username-password-authenticating communities\n"); printf(" -V | sends a custom supernode version string of max 19 letters \n" " | length to edges, visible in their management port output\n"); printf ("\n"); printf (" TAP DEVICE AND OVERLAY NETWORK CONFIGURATION\n"); printf (" --------------------------------------------\n\n"); printf(" -c | file containing the allowed communities\n"); printf(" -a | subnet range for auto ip address service, e.g.\n" " | '-a', defaults\n" " | to ''\n"); printf ("\n"); printf (" LOCAL OPTIONS\n"); printf (" -------------\n\n"); #if defined(N2N_HAVE_DAEMON) printf(" -f | do not fork and run as a daemon, rather run in foreground\n"); #endif printf(" -t | management UDP port, for multiple supernodes on a machine,\n" " | defaults to %u\n", N2N_SN_MGMT_PORT); printf(" --management_... | management port password, defaults to '%s'\n" " ...password | \n", N2N_MGMT_PASSWORD); printf(" -v | make more verbose, repeat as required\n"); #ifndef WIN32 printf(" -u | numeric user ID to use when privileges are dropped\n"); printf(" -g | numeric group ID to use when privileges are dropped\n"); #endif printf("\n technically, all parameters are optional, but the supernode executable" "\n requires at least one parameter to run, .e.g. -v or -f, as otherwise a" "\n short help text is displayed" "\n\n -h shows a quick reference including all available options" "\n --help gives this detailed parameter description" "\n man files for n2n, edge, and superndode contain in-depth information" "\n\n"); } exit(0); } /* *************************************************** */ static int setOption (int optkey, char *_optarg, n2n_sn_t *sss) { //traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "Option %c = %s", optkey, _optarg ? _optarg : ""); switch(optkey) { case 'p': /* local-port */ sss->lport = atoi(_optarg); if(sss->lport == 0) traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "bad local port format, defaulting to %u", N2N_SN_LPORT_DEFAULT); // default is made sure in sn_init() break; case 't': /* mgmt-port */ sss->mport = atoi(_optarg); if(sss->mport == 0) traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "bad management port format, defaulting to %u", N2N_SN_MGMT_PORT); // default is made sure in sn_init() break; case 'l': { /* supernode:port */ n2n_sock_t *socket; struct peer_info *anchor_sn; size_t length; int rv = -1; int skip_add; char *double_column = strchr(_optarg, ':'); length = strlen(_optarg); if(length >= N2N_EDGE_SN_HOST_SIZE) { traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "size of -l argument too long: %zu; maximum size is %d", length, N2N_EDGE_SN_HOST_SIZE); return 1; } if(!double_column) { traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "invalid -l format, missing port"); return 1; } socket = (n2n_sock_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(n2n_sock_t)); rv = supernode2sock(socket, _optarg); if(rv < -2) { /* we accept resolver failure as it might resolve later */ traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "invalid supernode parameter"); free(socket); return 1; } if(sss->federation != NULL) { skip_add = SN_ADD; anchor_sn = add_sn_to_list_by_mac_or_sock(&(sss->federation->edges), socket, null_mac, &skip_add); if(anchor_sn != NULL) { anchor_sn->ip_addr = calloc(1, N2N_EDGE_SN_HOST_SIZE); if(anchor_sn->ip_addr) { strncpy(anchor_sn->ip_addr, _optarg, N2N_EDGE_SN_HOST_SIZE - 1); memcpy(&(anchor_sn->sock), socket, sizeof(n2n_sock_t)); memcpy(anchor_sn->mac_addr, null_mac, sizeof(n2n_mac_t)); anchor_sn->purgeable = UNPURGEABLE; anchor_sn->last_valid_time_stamp = initial_time_stamp(); } } } free(socket); break; } case 'a': { dec_ip_str_t ip_min_str = {'\0'}; dec_ip_str_t ip_max_str = {'\0'}; in_addr_t net_min, net_max; uint8_t bitlen; uint32_t mask; if(sscanf(_optarg, "%15[^\\-]-%15[^/]/%hhu", ip_min_str, ip_max_str, &bitlen) != 3) { traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "bad net-net/bit format '%s'.", _optarg); return 2; } net_min = inet_addr(ip_min_str); net_max = inet_addr(ip_max_str); mask = bitlen2mask(bitlen); if((net_min == (in_addr_t)(-1)) || (net_min == INADDR_NONE) || (net_min == INADDR_ANY) || (net_max == (in_addr_t)(-1)) || (net_max == INADDR_NONE) || (net_max == INADDR_ANY) || (ntohl(net_min) > ntohl(net_max)) || ((ntohl(net_min) & ~mask) != 0) || ((ntohl(net_max) & ~mask) != 0)) { traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "bad network range '%s...%s/%u' in '%s', defaulting to '%s...%s/%d'", ip_min_str, ip_max_str, bitlen, _optarg, N2N_SN_MIN_AUTO_IP_NET_DEFAULT, N2N_SN_MAX_AUTO_IP_NET_DEFAULT, N2N_SN_AUTO_IP_NET_BIT_DEFAULT); return 2; } if((bitlen > 30) || (bitlen == 0)) { traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "bad prefix '%hhu' in '%s', defaulting to '%s...%s/%d'", bitlen, _optarg, N2N_SN_MIN_AUTO_IP_NET_DEFAULT, N2N_SN_MAX_AUTO_IP_NET_DEFAULT, N2N_SN_AUTO_IP_NET_BIT_DEFAULT); return 2; } traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "the network range for community ip address service is '%s...%s/%hhu'", ip_min_str, ip_max_str, bitlen); sss->min_auto_ip_net.net_addr = ntohl(net_min); sss->min_auto_ip_net.net_bitlen = bitlen; sss->max_auto_ip_net.net_addr = ntohl(net_max); sss->max_auto_ip_net.net_bitlen = bitlen; break; } #ifndef WIN32 case 'u': /* unprivileged uid */ sss->userid = atoi(_optarg); break; case 'g': /* unprivileged uid */ sss->groupid = atoi(_optarg); break; #endif case 'F': { /* federation name */ snprintf(sss->federation->community, N2N_COMMUNITY_SIZE - 1 ,"*%s", _optarg); sss->federation->community[N2N_COMMUNITY_SIZE - 1] = '\0'; sss->federation->purgeable = UNPURGEABLE; break; } #ifdef SN_MANUAL_MAC case 'm': {/* MAC address */ str2mac(sss->mac_addr, _optarg); // clear multicast bit sss->mac_addr[0] &= ~0x01; // set locally-assigned bit sss->mac_addr[0] |= 0x02; break; } #endif case 'M': /* override spoofing protection */ sss->override_spoofing_protection = 1; break; case 'V': /* version text */ strncpy(sss->version, _optarg, sizeof(n2n_version_t)); sss->version[sizeof(n2n_version_t) - 1] = '\0'; break; case 'c': /* community file */ sss->community_file = calloc(1, strlen(_optarg) + 1); if(sss->community_file) strcpy(sss->community_file, _optarg); break; case ']': /* password for management port */ { sss->mgmt_password_hash = pearson_hash_64((uint8_t*)_optarg, strlen(_optarg)); break; } #if defined(N2N_HAVE_DAEMON) case 'f': /* foreground */ sss->daemon = 0; break; #endif case 'h': /* quick reference */ return 2; case '@': /* long help */ return 3; case 'v': /* verbose */ setTraceLevel(getTraceLevel() + 1); break; default: traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "unknown option -%c:", (char) optkey); return 2; } return 0; } /* *********************************************** */ static const struct option long_options[] = { {"communities", required_argument, NULL, 'c'}, #if defined(N2N_HAVE_DAEMON) {"foreground", no_argument, NULL, 'f'}, #endif {"local-port", required_argument, NULL, 'p'}, {"mgmt-port", required_argument, NULL, 't'}, {"autoip", required_argument, NULL, 'a'}, {"verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'v'}, {"help", no_argument, NULL, '@'}, /* special character '@' to identify long help case */ {"management-password", required_argument, NULL, ']' }, /* ']' management port password */ {NULL, 0, NULL, 0} }; /* *************************************************** */ /* read command line options */ static int loadFromCLI (int argc, char * const argv[], n2n_sn_t *sss) { u_char c; while((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "p:l:t:a:c:F:vhMV:" #ifdef SN_MANUAL_MAC "m:" #endif #if defined(N2N_HAVE_DAEMON) "f" #endif #ifndef WIN32 "u:g:" #endif , long_options, NULL)) != '?') { if(c == 255) { break; } help(setOption(c, optarg, sss)); } return 0; } /* *************************************************** */ static char *trim (char *s) { char *end; while(isspace(s[0]) || (s[0] == '"') || (s[0] == '\'')) { s++; } if(s[0] == 0) { return s; } end = &s[strlen(s) - 1]; while(end > s && (isspace(end[0])|| (end[0] == '"') || (end[0] == '\''))) { end--; } end[1] = 0; return s; } /* *************************************************** */ /* parse the configuration file */ static int loadFromFile (const char *path, n2n_sn_t *sss) { char buffer[4096], *line; char *line_vec[3]; int tmp; FILE *fd; fd = fopen(path, "r"); if(fd == NULL) { traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "config file %s not found", path); return -1; } // we mess around with optind, better save it tmp = optind; while((line = fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fd)) != NULL) { line = trim(line); if(strlen(line) < 2 || line[0] == '#') { continue; } // executable, cannot be omitted, content can be anything line_vec[0] = line; // first token, e.g. `-p`, eventually followed by a whitespace or '=' delimiter line_vec[1] = strtok(line, "\t ="); // separate parameter option, if present line_vec[2] = strtok(NULL, "\t "); // not to duplicate the option parser code, call loadFromCLI and pretend we have no option read yet optind = 0; // if separate second token present (optional argument, not part of first), then announce 3 vector members loadFromCLI(line_vec[2] ? 3 : 2, line_vec, sss); } fclose(fd); optind = tmp; return 0; } /* *************************************************** */ /* Add the federation to the communities list of a supernode */ static int add_federation_to_communities (n2n_sn_t *sss) { uint32_t num_communities = 0; if(sss->federation != NULL) { HASH_ADD_STR(sss->communities, community, sss->federation); num_communities = HASH_COUNT(sss->communities); traceEvent(TRACE_INFO, "added federation '%s' to the list of communities [total: %u]", (char*)sss->federation->community, num_communities); } return 0; } /* *************************************************** */ #ifdef __linux__ static void dump_registrations (int signo) { struct sn_community *comm, *ctmp; struct peer_info *list, *tmp; char buf[32]; time_t now = time(NULL); u_int num = 0; traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "===================================="); HASH_ITER(hh, sss_node.communities, comm, ctmp) { traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "dumping community: %s", comm->community); HASH_ITER(hh, comm->edges, list, tmp) { if(list->sock.family == AF_INET) { traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "[id: %u][MAC: %s][edge: %u.%u.%u.%u:%u][last seen: %u sec ago]", ++num, macaddr_str(buf, list->mac_addr), list->sock.addr.v4[0], list->sock.addr.v4[1], list->sock.addr.v4[2], list->sock.addr.v4[3], list->sock.port, now - list->last_seen); } else { traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "[id: %u][MAC: %s][edge: IPv6:%u][last seen: %u sec ago]", ++num, macaddr_str(buf, list->mac_addr), list->sock.port, now - list->last_seen); } } } traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "===================================="); } #endif /* *************************************************** */ static int keep_running; #if defined(__linux__) || defined(WIN32) #ifdef WIN32 BOOL WINAPI term_handler (DWORD sig) #else static void term_handler(int sig) #endif { static int called = 0; if(called) { traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "ok, I am leaving now"); _exit(0); } else { traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "shutting down..."); called = 1; } keep_running = 0; #ifdef WIN32 return(TRUE); #endif } #endif /* defined(__linux__) || defined(WIN32) */ /* *************************************************** */ /** Main program entry point from kernel. */ int main (int argc, char * const argv[]) { int rc; #ifndef WIN32 struct passwd *pw = NULL; #endif struct peer_info *scan, *tmp; sn_init_defaults(&sss_node); add_federation_to_communities(&sss_node); if((argc >= 2) && (argv[1][0] != '-')) { rc = loadFromFile(argv[1], &sss_node); if(argc > 2) { rc = loadFromCLI(argc, argv, &sss_node); } } else if(argc > 1) { rc = loadFromCLI(argc, argv, &sss_node); } else #ifdef WIN32 // load from current directory rc = loadFromFile("supernode.conf", &sss_node); #else rc = -1; #endif if(rc < 0) { help(1); /* short help */ } if(sss_node.community_file) load_allowed_sn_community(&sss_node); #if defined(N2N_HAVE_DAEMON) if(sss_node.daemon) { setUseSyslog(1); /* traceEvent output now goes to syslog. */ if(-1 == daemon(0, 0)) { traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "failed to become daemon"); exit(-5); } } #endif /* #if defined(N2N_HAVE_DAEMON) */ // warn on default federation name if(!strcmp(sss_node.federation->community, FEDERATION_NAME)) { traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "using default federation name; FOR TESTING ONLY, usage of a custom federation name (-F) is highly recommended!"); } if(sss_node.override_spoofing_protection) { traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "disabled MAC and IP address spoofing protection; FOR TESTING ONLY, usage of user-password authentication (-I, -J, -P) recommended instead!"); } calculate_shared_secrets(&sss_node); traceEvent(TRACE_DEBUG, "traceLevel is %d", getTraceLevel()); sss_node.sock = open_socket(sss_node.lport, INADDR_ANY, 0 /* UDP */); if(-1 == sss_node.sock) { traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "failed to open main socket. %s", strerror(errno)); exit(-2); } else { traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "supernode is listening on UDP %u (main)", sss_node.lport); } #ifdef N2N_HAVE_TCP sss_node.tcp_sock = open_socket(sss_node.lport, INADDR_ANY, 1 /* TCP */); if(-1 == sss_node.tcp_sock) { traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "failed to open auxiliary TCP socket, %s", strerror(errno)); exit(-2); } else { traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "supernode opened TCP %u (aux)", sss_node.lport); } if(-1 == listen(sss_node.tcp_sock, N2N_TCP_BACKLOG_QUEUE_SIZE)) { traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "failed to listen on auxiliary TCP socket, %s", strerror(errno)); exit(-2); } else { traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "supernode is listening on TCP %u (aux)", sss_node.lport); } #endif sss_node.mgmt_sock = open_socket(sss_node.mport, INADDR_LOOPBACK, 0 /* UDP */); if(-1 == sss_node.mgmt_sock) { traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "failed to open management socket, %s", strerror(errno)); exit(-2); } else { traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "supernode is listening on UDP %u (management)", sss_node.mport); } HASH_ITER(hh, sss_node.federation->edges, scan, tmp) scan->socket_fd = sss_node.sock; #ifndef WIN32 /* * If no uid/gid is specified on the commandline, use the uid/gid of the * first found out of user "n2n" or "nobody" */ if(((pw = getpwnam ("n2n")) != NULL) || ((pw = getpwnam ("nobody")) != NULL)) { /* * If the uid/gid is not set from the CLI, set it from getpwnam * otherwise reset it to zero * (TODO: this looks wrong) */ sss_node.userid = sss_node.userid == 0 ? pw->pw_uid : 0; sss_node.groupid = sss_node.groupid == 0 ? pw->pw_gid : 0; } /* * If we have a non-zero requested uid/gid, attempt to switch to use * those */ if((sss_node.userid != 0) || (sss_node.groupid != 0)) { traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "dropping privileges to uid=%d, gid=%d", (signed int)sss_node.userid, (signed int)sss_node.groupid); /* Finished with the need for root privileges. Drop to unprivileged user. */ if((setgid(sss_node.groupid) != 0) || (setuid(sss_node.userid) != 0)) { traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "unable to drop privileges [%u/%s]", errno, strerror(errno)); } } if((getuid() == 0) || (getgid() == 0)) { traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "running as root is discouraged, check out the -u/-g options"); } #endif sn_init(&sss_node); traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "supernode started"); #ifdef __linux__ signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGTERM, term_handler); signal(SIGINT, term_handler); signal(SIGHUP, dump_registrations); #endif #ifdef WIN32 SetConsoleCtrlHandler(term_handler, TRUE); #endif keep_running = 1; sss_node.keep_running = &keep_running; return run_sn_loop(&sss_node); }