# Config file for the n2n edge node daemon. # Sets the n2n community name. All edges within the same community appear on # the same LAN (layer 2 network segment). Community name is 16 bytes in length. N2N_COMMUNITY="MyCommunityName" # Sets the twofish encryption key from ASCII text. All edges communicating must # use the same key and community name. N2N_KEY="MySecretCode" # Sets the n2n supernode IP address to register to. N2N_SUPERNODE="gw1.example.com" # Sets the n2n virtual LAN IP address being claimed. This is a private IP # address. All IP addresses in an n2n community typical belong to the same /24 # net‐ work (ie. only the last octet of the IP addresses varies). N2N_IP="" # Uncomment this to get edge node started. #N2N_EDGE_CONFIG_DONE="yes"