/** * (C) 2007-21 - ntop.org and contributors * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not see see * */ #ifndef _N2N_H_ #define _N2N_H_ /* tunctl -t tun0 tunctl -t tun1 ifconfig tun0 up ifconfig tun1 up ./edge -d tun0 -l 2000 -r -c hello ./edge -d tun1 -l 3000 -r -c hello tunctl -u UID -t tunX */ #define N2N_HAVE_DAEMON /* needs to be defined before it gets undefined */ #define N2N_HAVE_TCP /* needs to be defined before it gets undefined */ /* #define N2N_CAN_NAME_IFACE */ /* Moved here to define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS before all the including takes place */ #ifdef WIN32 #ifndef CMAKE_BUILD #include "config.h" /* Visual C++ */ #else #include "winconfig.h" #endif #define N2N_CAN_NAME_IFACE 1 #undef N2N_HAVE_DAEMON #undef N2N_HAVE_TCP /* as explained on https://github.com/ntop/n2n/pull/627#issuecomment-782093706 */ #undef N2N_HAVE_SETUID #else #ifndef CMAKE_BUILD #include "config.h" #endif #endif #define PACKAGE_BUILDDATE (__DATE__ " " __TIME__) #include #include #include #ifndef WIN32 #include #endif #ifndef _MSC_VER #include #endif /* #ifndef _MSC_VER */ #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef WIN32 #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __linux__ #define N2N_CAN_NAME_IFACE 1 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif /* #ifdef __linux__ */ #ifdef __FreeBSD__ #include #endif /* #ifdef __FreeBSD__ */ #include #include #ifdef HAVE_LIBZSTD #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined (HAVE_OPENSSL_1_1) #include #include #endif #define closesocket(a) close(a) #endif /* #ifndef WIN32 */ #include "minilzo.h" #include #include #include #include "lzoconf.h" #include "uthash.h" #include "n2n_define.h" #include "n2n_typedefs.h" #ifdef WIN32 #include /* for tcp */ #define SHUT_RDWR SD_BOTH /* for tcp */ #include "wintap.h" #include #else #include #endif /* #ifdef WIN32 */ #include "n2n_wire.h" #include "random_numbers.h" #include "pearson.h" #include "portable_endian.h" #include "aes.h" #include "cc20.h" #include "speck.h" #include "curve25519.h" #include "n2n_regex.h" #include "sn_selection.h" #include "network_traffic_filter.h" #include "auth.h" /* ************************************** */ #include "header_encryption.h" #include "tf.h" #ifndef TRACE_ERROR #define TRACE_ERROR 0, __FILE__, __LINE__ #define TRACE_WARNING 1, __FILE__, __LINE__ #define TRACE_NORMAL 2, __FILE__, __LINE__ #define TRACE_INFO 3, __FILE__, __LINE__ #define TRACE_DEBUG 4, __FILE__, __LINE__ #endif /* ************************************** */ /* Transop Init Functions */ int n2n_transop_null_init (const n2n_edge_conf_t *conf, n2n_trans_op_t *ttt); int n2n_transop_tf_init (const n2n_edge_conf_t *conf, n2n_trans_op_t *ttt); int n2n_transop_aes_init (const n2n_edge_conf_t *conf, n2n_trans_op_t *ttt); int n2n_transop_cc20_init (const n2n_edge_conf_t *conf, n2n_trans_op_t *ttt); int n2n_transop_speck_init (const n2n_edge_conf_t *conf, n2n_trans_op_t *ttt); /* Log */ void setTraceLevel (int level); void setUseSyslog (int use_syslog); void setTraceFile (FILE *f); int getTraceLevel (); void closeTraceFile (); void traceEvent (int eventTraceLevel, char* file, int line, char * format, ...); /* Tuntap API */ int tuntap_open (struct tuntap_dev *device, char *dev, const char *address_mode, char *device_ip, char *device_mask, const char * device_mac, int mtu #ifdef WIN32 , int metric #endif ); int tuntap_read (struct tuntap_dev *tuntap, unsigned char *buf, int len); int tuntap_write (struct tuntap_dev *tuntap, unsigned char *buf, int len); void tuntap_close (struct tuntap_dev *tuntap); void tuntap_get_address (struct tuntap_dev *tuntap); /* Utils */ char* intoa (uint32_t addr, char* buf, uint16_t buf_len); uint32_t bitlen2mask (uint8_t bitlen); uint8_t mask2bitlen (uint32_t mask); char* macaddr_str (macstr_t buf, const n2n_mac_t mac); int str2mac (uint8_t * outmac /* 6 bytes */, const char * s); int supernode2sock (n2n_sock_t * sn, const n2n_sn_name_t addrIn); uint8_t is_multi_broadcast (const n2n_mac_t dest_mac); uint8_t is_broadcast (const n2n_mac_t dest_mac); uint8_t is_null_mac (const n2n_mac_t dest_mac); char* msg_type2str (uint16_t msg_type); void hexdump (const uint8_t * buf, size_t len); void print_n2n_version (); int is_empty_ip_address (const n2n_sock_t * sock); void print_edge_stats (const n2n_edge_t *eee); int memrnd (uint8_t *address, size_t len); int memxor (uint8_t *destination, const uint8_t *source, size_t len); /* Sockets */ char* sock_to_cstr (n2n_sock_str_t out, const n2n_sock_t * sock); char * ip_subnet_to_str (dec_ip_bit_str_t buf, const n2n_ip_subnet_t *ipaddr); SOCKET open_socket (int local_port, in_addr_t address, int type); int sock_equal (const n2n_sock_t * a, const n2n_sock_t * b); /* Header encryption */ uint64_t time_stamp (void); uint64_t initial_time_stamp (void); int time_stamp_verify_and_update (uint64_t stamp, uint64_t * previous_stamp, int allow_jitter); /* Operations on peer_info lists. */ size_t purge_peer_list (struct peer_info ** peer_list, SOCKET socket_not_to_close, n2n_tcp_connection_t **tcp_connections, time_t purge_before); size_t clear_peer_list (struct peer_info ** peer_list); size_t purge_expired_nodes (struct peer_info **peer_list, SOCKET socket_not_to_close, n2n_tcp_connection_t **tcp_connections, time_t *p_last_purge, int frequency, int timeout); /* Edge conf */ void edge_init_conf_defaults (n2n_edge_conf_t *conf); int edge_verify_conf (const n2n_edge_conf_t *conf); int edge_conf_add_supernode (n2n_edge_conf_t *conf, const char *ip_and_port); const n2n_edge_conf_t* edge_get_conf (const n2n_edge_t *eee); void edge_term_conf (n2n_edge_conf_t *conf); /* Public functions */ n2n_edge_t* edge_init (const n2n_edge_conf_t *conf, int *rv); void update_supernode_reg (n2n_edge_t * eee, time_t nowTime); void readFromIPSocket (n2n_edge_t * eee, int in_sock); void edge_term (n2n_edge_t *eee); void edge_set_callbacks (n2n_edge_t *eee, const n2n_edge_callbacks_t *callbacks); void edge_set_userdata (n2n_edge_t *eee, void *user_data); void* edge_get_userdata (n2n_edge_t *eee); void edge_send_packet2net (n2n_edge_t *eee, uint8_t *tap_pkt, size_t len); void edge_read_from_tap (n2n_edge_t *eee); int edge_get_n2n_socket (n2n_edge_t *eee); int edge_get_management_socket (n2n_edge_t *eee); int run_edge_loop (n2n_edge_t *eee); int quick_edge_init (char *device_name, char *community_name, char *encrypt_key, char *device_mac, char *local_ip_address, char *supernode_ip_address_port, int *keep_on_running); int comm_init (struct sn_community *comm, char *cmn); int sn_init_defaults (n2n_sn_t *sss); void sn_init (n2n_sn_t *sss); void sn_term (n2n_sn_t *sss); int supernode2sock (n2n_sock_t * sn, const n2n_sn_name_t addrIn); struct peer_info* add_sn_to_list_by_mac_or_sock (struct peer_info **sn_list, n2n_sock_t *sock, const n2n_mac_t mac, int *skip_add); int run_sn_loop (n2n_sn_t *sss); int assign_one_ip_subnet (n2n_sn_t *sss, struct sn_community *comm); const char* compression_str (uint8_t cmpr); const char* transop_str (enum n2n_transform tr); void handleMgmtJson (n2n_edge_t *eee, char *udp_buf, const struct sockaddr_in sender_sock); void handleMgmtJson_sn (n2n_sn_t *sss, char *udp_buf, const struct sockaddr_in sender_sock); #endif /* _N2N_H_ */