/** * (C) 2007-18 - ntop.org and contributors * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not see see * */ #include "n2n.h" #ifdef WIN32 #include #else #include #endif #define N2N_NETMASK_STR_SIZE 16 /* dotted decimal 12 numbers + 3 dots */ #define N2N_MACNAMSIZ 18 /* AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF + NULL*/ #define N2N_IF_MODE_SIZE 16 /* static | dhcp */ /* *************************************************** */ /** maximum length of command line arguments */ #define MAX_CMDLINE_BUFFER_LENGTH 4096 /** maximum length of a line in the configuration file */ #define MAX_CONFFILE_LINE_LENGTH 1024 /* ***************************************************** */ typedef struct n2n_priv_config { char tuntap_dev_name[N2N_IFNAMSIZ]; char ip_mode[N2N_IF_MODE_SIZE]; char ip_addr[N2N_NETMASK_STR_SIZE]; char netmask[N2N_NETMASK_STR_SIZE]; char device_mac[N2N_MACNAMSIZ]; int mtu; uint8_t got_s; uint8_t daemon; #ifndef WIN32 uid_t userid; gid_t groupid; #endif } n2n_priv_config_t; /* ***************************************************** */ /** Find the address and IP mode for the tuntap device. * * s is one of these forms: * * := | A.B.C.D * * | static: | dhcp: * * If the mode is present (colon required) then fill ip_mode with that value * otherwise do not change ip_mode. Fill ip_mode with everything after the * colon if it is present; or s if colon is not present. * * ip_add and ip_mode are NULL terminated if modified. * * return 0 on success and -1 on error */ static int scan_address(char * ip_addr, size_t addr_size, char * ip_mode, size_t mode_size, const char * s) { int retval = -1; char * p; if((NULL == s) || (NULL == ip_addr)) { return -1; } memset(ip_addr, 0, addr_size); p = strpbrk(s, ":"); if(p) { /* colon is present */ if(ip_mode) { size_t end=0; memset(ip_mode, 0, mode_size); end = MIN(p-s, (ssize_t)(mode_size-1)); /* ensure NULL term */ strncpy(ip_mode, s, end); strncpy(ip_addr, p+1, addr_size-1); /* ensure NULL term */ retval = 0; } } else { /* colon is not present */ strncpy(ip_addr, s, addr_size-1); ip_addr[addr_size-1] = '\0'; } return retval; } /* *************************************************** */ static void help() { print_n2n_version(); printf("edge (see edge.conf)\n" "or\n" ); printf("edge " #if defined(N2N_CAN_NAME_IFACE) "-d " #endif /* #if defined(N2N_CAN_NAME_IFACE) */ "-a [static:|dhcp:] " "-c " "[-k ]\n" " " "[-s ] " #ifndef WIN32 "[-u -g ]" #endif /* #ifndef WIN32 */ #ifndef WIN32 "[-f]" #endif /* #ifndef WIN32 */ "[-m ] " "-l \n" " " "[-p ] [-M ] " "[-r] [-E] [-v] [-i ] [-t ] [-b] [-A] [-h]\n\n"); #if defined(N2N_CAN_NAME_IFACE) printf("-d | tun device name\n"); #endif printf("-a | Set interface address. For DHCP use '-r -a dhcp:'\n"); printf("-c | n2n community name the edge belongs to.\n"); printf("-k | Encryption key (ASCII) - also N2N_KEY=.\n"); printf("-s | Edge interface netmask in dotted decimal notation (\n"); printf("-l | Supernode IP:port\n"); printf("-i | Registration interval, for NAT hole punching (default 20 seconds)\n"); printf("-b | Periodically resolve supernode IP\n"); printf(" | (when supernodes are running on dynamic IPs)\n"); printf("-p | Fixed local UDP port.\n"); #ifndef WIN32 printf("-u | User ID (numeric) to use when privileges are dropped.\n"); printf("-g | Group ID (numeric) to use when privileges are dropped.\n"); #endif /* ifndef WIN32 */ #ifndef WIN32 printf("-f | Do not fork and run as a daemon; rather run in foreground.\n"); #endif /* #ifndef WIN32 */ printf("-m | Fix MAC address for the TAP interface (otherwise it may be random)\n" " | eg. -m 01:02:03:04:05:06\n"); printf("-M | Specify n2n MTU of edge interface (default %d).\n", DEFAULT_MTU); printf("-r | Enable packet forwarding through n2n community.\n"); #ifdef N2N_HAVE_AES printf("-A | Use AES CBC for encryption (default=use twofish).\n"); #endif printf("-E | Accept multicast MAC addresses (default=drop).\n"); printf("-v | Make more verbose. Repeat as required.\n"); printf("-t | Management UDP Port (for multiple edges on a machine).\n"); printf("\nEnvironment variables:\n"); printf(" N2N_KEY | Encryption key (ASCII). Not with -k.\n"); #ifdef WIN32 printf("\nAvailable TAP adapters:\n"); win_print_available_adapters(); #endif exit(0); } /* *************************************************** */ static int setOption(int optkey, char *optargument, n2n_priv_config_t *ec, n2n_edge_conf_t *conf) { /* traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "Option %c = %s", optkey, optargument ? optargument : ""); */ switch(optkey) { case 'a': /* IP address and mode of TUNTAP interface */ { scan_address(ec->ip_addr, N2N_NETMASK_STR_SIZE, ec->ip_mode, N2N_IF_MODE_SIZE, optargument); break; } case 'c': /* community as a string */ { memset(conf->community_name, 0, N2N_COMMUNITY_SIZE); strncpy((char *)conf->community_name, optargument, N2N_COMMUNITY_SIZE); conf->community_name[N2N_COMMUNITY_SIZE-1] = '\0'; break; } case 'E': /* multicast ethernet addresses accepted. */ { conf->drop_multicast=0; traceEvent(TRACE_DEBUG, "Enabling ethernet multicast traffic"); break; } #ifndef WIN32 case 'u': /* unprivileged uid */ { ec->userid = atoi(optargument); break; } case 'g': /* unprivileged uid */ { ec->groupid = atoi(optargument); break; } #endif #ifndef WIN32 case 'f' : /* do not fork as daemon */ { ec->daemon=0; break; } #endif /* #ifndef WIN32 */ case 'm' : /* TUNTAP MAC address */ { strncpy(ec->device_mac,optargument,N2N_MACNAMSIZ); ec->device_mac[N2N_MACNAMSIZ-1] = '\0'; break; } case 'M' : /* TUNTAP MTU */ { ec->mtu = atoi(optargument); break; } case 'k': /* encrypt key */ { if(conf->encrypt_key) free(conf->encrypt_key); if(conf->transop_id == N2N_TRANSFORM_ID_NULL) conf->transop_id = N2N_TRANSFORM_ID_TWOFISH; conf->encrypt_key = strdup(optargument); traceEvent(TRACE_DEBUG, "encrypt_key = '%s'\n", conf->encrypt_key); break; } case 'r': /* enable packet routing across n2n endpoints */ { conf->allow_routing = 1; break; } #ifdef N2N_HAVE_AES case 'A': { conf->transop_id = N2N_TRANSFORM_ID_AESCBC; break; } #endif case 'l': /* supernode-list */ if(optargument) { if(edge_conf_add_supernode(conf, optargument) != 0) { traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "Too many supernodes!"); exit(1); } break; } case 'i': /* supernode registration interval */ conf->register_interval = atoi(optarg); break; #if defined(N2N_CAN_NAME_IFACE) case 'd': /* TUNTAP name */ { strncpy(ec->tuntap_dev_name, optargument, N2N_IFNAMSIZ); ec->tuntap_dev_name[N2N_IFNAMSIZ-1] = '\0'; break; } #endif case 'b': { conf->re_resolve_supernode_ip = 1; break; } case 'p': { conf->local_port = atoi(optargument); break; } case 't': { conf->mgmt_port = atoi(optargument); break; } case 's': /* Subnet Mask */ { if(0 != ec->got_s) { traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "Multiple subnet masks supplied"); } strncpy(ec->netmask, optargument, N2N_NETMASK_STR_SIZE); ec->netmask[N2N_NETMASK_STR_SIZE - 1] = '\0'; ec->got_s = 1; break; } case 'h': /* help */ { help(); break; } case 'v': /* verbose */ setTraceLevel(4); /* DEBUG */ break; default: { traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "Unknown option -%c: Ignored", (char)optkey); return(-1); } } return(0); } /* *********************************************** */ static const struct option long_options[] = { { "community", required_argument, NULL, 'c' }, { "supernode-list", required_argument, NULL, 'l' }, { "tun-device", required_argument, NULL, 'd' }, { "euid", required_argument, NULL, 'u' }, { "egid", required_argument, NULL, 'g' }, { "help" , no_argument, NULL, 'h' }, { "verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'v' }, { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 } }; /* *************************************************** */ /* read command line options */ static int loadFromCLI(int argc, char *argv[], n2n_edge_conf_t *conf, n2n_priv_config_t *ec) { u_char c; while((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "K:k:a:bc:Eu:g:m:M:s:d:l:p:fvhrt:i:" #ifdef N2N_HAVE_AES "A" #endif , long_options, NULL)) != '?') { if(c == 255) break; setOption(c, optarg, ec, conf); } return 0; } /* *************************************************** */ static char *trim(char *s) { char *end; while(isspace(s[0]) || (s[0] == '"') || (s[0] == '\'')) s++; if(s[0] == 0) return s; end = &s[strlen(s) - 1]; while(end > s && (isspace(end[0])|| (end[0] == '"') || (end[0] == '\''))) end--; end[1] = 0; return s; } /* *************************************************** */ /* parse the configuration file */ static int loadFromFile(const char *path, n2n_edge_conf_t *conf, n2n_priv_config_t *ec) { char buffer[4096], *line, *key, *value; u_int line_len, opt_name_len; FILE *fd; const struct option *opt; fd = fopen(path, "r"); if(fd == NULL) { traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "Config file %s not found", path); return -1; } while((line = fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fd)) != NULL) { line = trim(line); value = NULL; if((line_len = strlen(line)) < 2 || line[0] == '#') continue; if(!strncmp(line, "--", 2)) { /* long opt */ key = &line[2], line_len -= 2; opt = long_options; while(opt->name != NULL) { opt_name_len = strlen(opt->name); if(!strncmp(key, opt->name, opt_name_len) && (line_len <= opt_name_len || key[opt_name_len] == '\0' || key[opt_name_len] == ' ' || key[opt_name_len] == '=')) { if(line_len > opt_name_len) key[opt_name_len] = '\0'; if(line_len > opt_name_len + 1) value = trim(&key[opt_name_len + 1]); // traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "long key: %s value: %s", key, value); setOption(opt->val, value, ec, conf); break; } opt++; } } else if(line[0] == '-') { /* short opt */ key = &line[1], line_len--; if(line_len > 1) key[1] = '\0'; if(line_len > 2) value = trim(&key[2]); // traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "key: %c value: %s", key[0], value); setOption(key[0], value, ec, conf); } else { traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "Skipping unrecognized line: %s", line); continue; } } fclose(fd); return 0; } /* ************************************** */ #if defined(DUMMY_ID_00001) /* Disabled waiting for config option to enable it */ static char gratuitous_arp[] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, /* Dest mac */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* Src mac */ 0x08, 0x06, /* ARP */ 0x00, 0x01, /* Ethernet */ 0x08, 0x00, /* IP */ 0x06, /* Hw Size */ 0x04, /* Protocol Size */ 0x00, 0x01, /* ARP Request */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* Src mac */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* Src IP */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* Target mac */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 /* Target IP */ }; /* ************************************** */ /** Build a gratuitous ARP packet for a /24 layer 3 (IP) network. */ static int build_gratuitous_arp(char *buffer, uint16_t buffer_len) { if(buffer_len < sizeof(gratuitous_arp)) return(-1); memcpy(buffer, gratuitous_arp, sizeof(gratuitous_arp)); memcpy(&buffer[6], device.mac_addr, 6); memcpy(&buffer[22], device.mac_addr, 6); memcpy(&buffer[28], &device.ip_addr, 4); /* REVISIT: BbMaj7 - use a real netmask here. This is valid only by accident * for /24 IPv4 networks. */ buffer[31] = 0xFF; /* Use a faked broadcast address */ memcpy(&buffer[38], &device.ip_addr, 4); return(sizeof(gratuitous_arp)); } /* ************************************** */ /** Called from update_supernode_reg to periodically send gratuitous ARP * broadcasts. */ static void send_grat_arps(n2n_edge_t * eee,) { char buffer[48]; size_t len; traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "Sending gratuitous ARP..."); len = build_gratuitous_arp(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); send_packet2net(eee, buffer, len); send_packet2net(eee, buffer, len); /* Two is better than one :-) */ } #endif /* #if defined(DUMMY_ID_00001) */ /* ************************************** */ static void daemonize() { #ifndef WIN32 int childpid; traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "Parent process is exiting (this is normal)"); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN); if((childpid = fork()) < 0) traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "Occurred while daemonizing (errno=%d)", errno); else { if(!childpid) { /* child */ int rc; //traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "Bye bye: I'm becoming a daemon..."); rc = chdir("/"); if(rc != 0) traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "Error while moving to / directory"); setsid(); /* detach from the terminal */ fclose(stdin); fclose(stdout); /* fclose(stderr); */ /* * clear any inherited file mode creation mask */ //umask(0); /* * Use line buffered stdout */ /* setlinebuf (stdout); */ setvbuf(stdout, (char *)NULL, _IOLBF, 0); } else /* father */ exit(0); } #endif } /* *************************************************** */ static int keep_on_running; #ifdef WIN32 BOOL WINAPI term_handler(DWORD sig) #else static void term_handler(int sig) #endif { static int called = 0; if(called) { traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "Ok I am leaving now"); _exit(0); } else { traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "Shutting down..."); called = 1; } keep_on_running = 0; #ifdef WIN32 return(TRUE); #endif } /* *************************************************** */ /** Entry point to program from kernel. */ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int rc; tuntap_dev tuntap; /* a tuntap device */ n2n_edge_t *eee; /* single instance for this program */ n2n_edge_conf_t conf; /* generic N2N edge config */ n2n_priv_config_t ec; /* config used for standalone program execution */ #ifndef WIN32 struct passwd *pw = NULL; #endif if(argc == 1) help(); /* Defaults */ edge_init_conf_defaults(&conf); memset(&ec, 0, sizeof(ec)); ec.mtu = DEFAULT_MTU; ec.daemon = 1; /* By default run in daemon mode. */ #ifndef WIN32 if(((pw = getpwnam("n2n")) != NULL) || ((pw = getpwnam("nobody")) != NULL)) { ec.userid = pw->pw_uid; ec.groupid = pw->pw_gid; } #endif #ifdef WIN32 ec.tuntap_dev_name[0] = '\0'; #else snprintf(ec.tuntap_dev_name, sizeof(ec.tuntap_dev_name), "edge0"); #endif snprintf(ec.ip_mode, sizeof(ec.ip_mode), "static"); snprintf(ec.netmask, sizeof(ec.netmask), ""); traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "Starting n2n edge %s %s", PACKAGE_VERSION, PACKAGE_BUILDDATE); if((argc >= 2) && (argv[1][0] != '-')) { rc = loadFromFile(argv[1], &conf, &ec); if(argc > 2) rc = loadFromCLI(argc, argv, &conf, &ec); } else rc = loadFromCLI(argc, argv, &conf, &ec); if(rc < 0) help(); if(0 == strcmp("dhcp", ec.ip_mode)) { traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "Dynamic IP address assignment enabled."); conf.dyn_ip_mode = 1; } else traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "ip_mode='%s'", ec.ip_mode); if(edge_verify_conf(&conf) != 0) help(); if(!( #ifdef __linux__ (ec.tuntap_dev_name[0] != 0) && #endif (ec.ip_addr[0] != 0) )) help(); #ifndef WIN32 /* If running suid root then we need to setuid before using the force. */ setuid(0); /* setgid(0); */ #endif if(tuntap_open(&tuntap, ec.tuntap_dev_name, ec.ip_mode, ec.ip_addr, ec.netmask, ec.device_mac, ec.mtu) < 0) return(-1); if(conf.encrypt_key && !strcmp((char*)conf.community_name, conf.encrypt_key)) traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "Community and encryption key must differ, otherwise security will be compromised"); if((eee = edge_init(&tuntap, &conf, &rc)) == NULL) { traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "Failed in edge_init"); exit(1); } #ifndef WIN32 if(ec.daemon) { setUseSyslog(1); /* traceEvent output now goes to syslog. */ daemonize(); } #endif /* #ifndef WIN32 */ #ifndef WIN32 if((ec.userid != 0) || (ec.groupid != 0)) { traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "Interface up. Dropping privileges to uid=%d, gid=%d", (signed int)ec.userid, (signed int)ec.groupid); /* Finished with the need for root privileges. Drop to unprivileged user. */ if((setgid(ec.groupid) != 0) || (setuid(ec.userid) != 0)) { traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "Unable to drop privileges [%u/%s]", errno, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } } if((getuid() == 0) || (getgid() == 0)) traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "Running as root is discouraged, check out the -u/-g options"); #endif #ifdef __linux__ signal(SIGTERM, term_handler); signal(SIGINT, term_handler); #endif #ifdef WIN32 SetConsoleCtrlHandler(term_handler, TRUE); #endif keep_on_running = 1; traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "edge started"); rc = run_edge_loop(eee, &keep_on_running); print_edge_stats(eee); /* Cleanup */ edge_term(eee); tuntap_close(&tuntap); if(conf.encrypt_key) free(conf.encrypt_key); return(rc); } /* ************************************** */