/** * (C) 2007-18 - ntop.org and contributors * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not see see * */ /* Supernode for n2n-2.x */ #include "n2n.h" #define N2N_SN_LPORT_DEFAULT 7654 #define N2N_SN_PKTBUF_SIZE 2048 #define N2N_SN_MGMT_PORT 5645 struct sn_stats { size_t errors; /* Number of errors encountered. */ size_t reg_super; /* Number of REGISTER_SUPER requests received. */ size_t reg_super_nak; /* Number of REGISTER_SUPER requests declined. */ size_t fwd; /* Number of messages forwarded. */ size_t broadcast; /* Number of messages broadcast to a community. */ time_t last_fwd; /* Time when last message was forwarded. */ time_t last_reg_super; /* Time when last REGISTER_SUPER was received. */ }; typedef struct sn_stats sn_stats_t; struct n2n_sn { time_t start_time; /* Used to measure uptime. */ sn_stats_t stats; int daemon; /* If non-zero then daemonise. */ uint16_t lport; /* Local UDP port to bind to. */ int sock; /* Main socket for UDP traffic with edges. */ int mgmt_sock; /* management socket. */ struct peer_info * edges; /* Link list of registered edges. */ }; typedef struct n2n_sn n2n_sn_t; static int try_forward( n2n_sn_t * sss, const n2n_common_t * cmn, const n2n_mac_t dstMac, const uint8_t * pktbuf, size_t pktsize ); static int try_broadcast( n2n_sn_t * sss, const n2n_common_t * cmn, const n2n_mac_t srcMac, const uint8_t * pktbuf, size_t pktsize ); /** Initialise the supernode structure */ static int init_sn( n2n_sn_t * sss ) { #ifdef WIN32 initWin32(); #endif memset( sss, 0, sizeof(n2n_sn_t) ); sss->daemon = 1; /* By defult run as a daemon. */ sss->lport = N2N_SN_LPORT_DEFAULT; sss->sock = -1; sss->mgmt_sock = -1; sss->edges = NULL; return 0; /* OK */ } /** Deinitialise the supernode structure and deallocate any memory owned by * it. */ static void deinit_sn( n2n_sn_t * sss ) { if (sss->sock >= 0) { closesocket(sss->sock); } sss->sock=-1; if ( sss->mgmt_sock >= 0 ) { closesocket(sss->mgmt_sock); } sss->mgmt_sock=-1; purge_peer_list( &(sss->edges), 0xffffffff ); } /** Determine the appropriate lifetime for new registrations. * * If the supernode has been put into a pre-shutdown phase then this lifetime * should not allow registrations to continue beyond the shutdown point. */ static uint16_t reg_lifetime( n2n_sn_t * sss ) { return 120; } /** Update the edge table with the details of the edge which contacted the * supernode. */ static int update_edge( n2n_sn_t * sss, const n2n_mac_t edgeMac, const n2n_community_t community, const n2n_sock_t * sender_sock, time_t now) { macstr_t mac_buf; n2n_sock_str_t sockbuf; struct peer_info * scan; traceEvent( TRACE_DEBUG, "update_edge for %s [%s]", macaddr_str( mac_buf, edgeMac ), sock_to_cstr( sockbuf, sender_sock ) ); scan = find_peer_by_mac( sss->edges, edgeMac ); if ( NULL == scan ) { /* Not known */ scan = (struct peer_info*)calloc(1, sizeof(struct peer_info)); /* deallocated in purge_expired_registrations */ memcpy(scan->community_name, community, sizeof(n2n_community_t) ); memcpy(&(scan->mac_addr), edgeMac, sizeof(n2n_mac_t)); memcpy(&(scan->sock), sender_sock, sizeof(n2n_sock_t)); /* insert this guy at the head of the edges list */ scan->next = sss->edges; /* first in list */ sss->edges = scan; /* head of list points to new scan */ traceEvent( TRACE_INFO, "update_edge created %s ==> %s", macaddr_str( mac_buf, edgeMac ), sock_to_cstr( sockbuf, sender_sock ) ); } else { /* Known */ if ( (0 != memcmp(community, scan->community_name, sizeof(n2n_community_t))) || (0 != sock_equal(sender_sock, &(scan->sock) )) ) { memcpy(scan->community_name, community, sizeof(n2n_community_t) ); memcpy(&(scan->sock), sender_sock, sizeof(n2n_sock_t)); traceEvent( TRACE_INFO, "update_edge updated %s ==> %s", macaddr_str( mac_buf, edgeMac ), sock_to_cstr( sockbuf, sender_sock ) ); } else { traceEvent( TRACE_DEBUG, "update_edge unchanged %s ==> %s", macaddr_str( mac_buf, edgeMac ), sock_to_cstr( sockbuf, sender_sock ) ); } } scan->last_seen = now; return 0; } /** Send a datagram to the destination embodied in a n2n_sock_t. * * @return -1 on error otherwise number of bytes sent */ static ssize_t sendto_sock(n2n_sn_t * sss, const n2n_sock_t * sock, const uint8_t * pktbuf, size_t pktsize) { n2n_sock_str_t sockbuf; if ( AF_INET == sock->family ) { struct sockaddr_in udpsock; udpsock.sin_family = AF_INET; udpsock.sin_port = htons( sock->port ); memcpy( &(udpsock.sin_addr.s_addr), &(sock->addr.v4), IPV4_SIZE ); traceEvent( TRACE_DEBUG, "sendto_sock %lu to [%s]", pktsize, sock_to_cstr( sockbuf, sock ) ); return sendto( sss->sock, pktbuf, pktsize, 0, (const struct sockaddr *)&udpsock, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) ); } else { /* AF_INET6 not implemented */ errno = EAFNOSUPPORT; return -1; } } /** Try to forward a message to a unicast MAC. If the MAC is unknown then * broadcast to all edges in the destination community. */ static int try_forward( n2n_sn_t * sss, const n2n_common_t * cmn, const n2n_mac_t dstMac, const uint8_t * pktbuf, size_t pktsize ) { struct peer_info * scan; macstr_t mac_buf; n2n_sock_str_t sockbuf; scan = find_peer_by_mac( sss->edges, dstMac ); if ( NULL != scan ) { int data_sent_len; data_sent_len = sendto_sock( sss, &(scan->sock), pktbuf, pktsize ); if ( data_sent_len == pktsize ) { ++(sss->stats.fwd); traceEvent(TRACE_DEBUG, "unicast %lu to [%s] %s", pktsize, sock_to_cstr( sockbuf, &(scan->sock) ), macaddr_str(mac_buf, scan->mac_addr)); } else { ++(sss->stats.errors); traceEvent(TRACE_ERROR, "unicast %lu to [%s] %s FAILED (%d: %s)", pktsize, sock_to_cstr( sockbuf, &(scan->sock) ), macaddr_str(mac_buf, scan->mac_addr), errno, strerror(errno) ); } } else { traceEvent( TRACE_DEBUG, "try_forward unknown MAC" ); /* Not a known MAC so drop. */ } return 0; } /** Try and broadcast a message to all edges in the community. * * This will send the exact same datagram to zero or more edges registered to * the supernode. */ static int try_broadcast( n2n_sn_t * sss, const n2n_common_t * cmn, const n2n_mac_t srcMac, const uint8_t * pktbuf, size_t pktsize ) { struct peer_info * scan; macstr_t mac_buf; n2n_sock_str_t sockbuf; traceEvent( TRACE_DEBUG, "try_broadcast" ); scan = sss->edges; while(scan != NULL) { if( 0 == (memcmp(scan->community_name, cmn->community, sizeof(n2n_community_t)) ) && (0 != memcmp(srcMac, scan->mac_addr, sizeof(n2n_mac_t)) ) ) /* REVISIT: exclude if the destination socket is where the packet came from. */ { int data_sent_len; data_sent_len = sendto_sock(sss, &(scan->sock), pktbuf, pktsize); if(data_sent_len != pktsize) { ++(sss->stats.errors); traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "multicast %lu to [%s] %s failed %s", pktsize, sock_to_cstr( sockbuf, &(scan->sock) ), macaddr_str(mac_buf, scan->mac_addr), strerror(errno)); } else { ++(sss->stats.broadcast); traceEvent(TRACE_DEBUG, "multicast %lu to [%s] %s", pktsize, sock_to_cstr( sockbuf, &(scan->sock) ), macaddr_str(mac_buf, scan->mac_addr)); } } scan = scan->next; } /* while */ return 0; } static int process_mgmt( n2n_sn_t * sss, const struct sockaddr_in * sender_sock, const uint8_t * mgmt_buf, size_t mgmt_size, time_t now) { char resbuf[N2N_SN_PKTBUF_SIZE]; size_t ressize=0; ssize_t r; traceEvent( TRACE_DEBUG, "process_mgmt" ); ressize += snprintf( resbuf+ressize, N2N_SN_PKTBUF_SIZE-ressize, "----------------\n" ); ressize += snprintf( resbuf+ressize, N2N_SN_PKTBUF_SIZE-ressize, "uptime %lu\n", (now - sss->start_time) ); ressize += snprintf( resbuf+ressize, N2N_SN_PKTBUF_SIZE-ressize, "edges %u\n", (unsigned int)peer_list_size( sss->edges ) ); ressize += snprintf( resbuf+ressize, N2N_SN_PKTBUF_SIZE-ressize, "errors %u\n", (unsigned int)sss->stats.errors ); ressize += snprintf( resbuf+ressize, N2N_SN_PKTBUF_SIZE-ressize, "reg_sup %u\n", (unsigned int)sss->stats.reg_super ); ressize += snprintf( resbuf+ressize, N2N_SN_PKTBUF_SIZE-ressize, "reg_nak %u\n", (unsigned int)sss->stats.reg_super_nak ); ressize += snprintf( resbuf+ressize, N2N_SN_PKTBUF_SIZE-ressize, "fwd %u\n", (unsigned int) sss->stats.fwd ); ressize += snprintf( resbuf+ressize, N2N_SN_PKTBUF_SIZE-ressize, "broadcast %u\n", (unsigned int) sss->stats.broadcast ); ressize += snprintf( resbuf+ressize, N2N_SN_PKTBUF_SIZE-ressize, "last fwd %lu sec ago\n", (long unsigned int)(now - sss->stats.last_fwd) ); ressize += snprintf( resbuf+ressize, N2N_SN_PKTBUF_SIZE-ressize, "last reg %lu sec ago\n", (long unsigned int) (now - sss->stats.last_reg_super) ); r = sendto( sss->mgmt_sock, resbuf, ressize, 0/*flags*/, (struct sockaddr *)sender_sock, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) ); if ( r <= 0 ) { ++(sss->stats.errors); traceEvent( TRACE_ERROR, "process_mgmt : sendto failed. %s", strerror(errno) ); } return 0; } /** Examine a datagram and determine what to do with it. * */ static int process_udp( n2n_sn_t * sss, const struct sockaddr_in * sender_sock, const uint8_t * udp_buf, size_t udp_size, time_t now) { n2n_common_t cmn; /* common fields in the packet header */ size_t rem; size_t idx; size_t msg_type; uint8_t from_supernode; macstr_t mac_buf; macstr_t mac_buf2; n2n_sock_str_t sockbuf; traceEvent( TRACE_DEBUG, "process_udp(%lu)", udp_size ); /* Use decode_common() to determine the kind of packet then process it: * * REGISTER_SUPER adds an edge and generate a return REGISTER_SUPER_ACK * * REGISTER, REGISTER_ACK and PACKET messages are forwarded to their * destination edge. If the destination is not known then PACKETs are * broadcast. */ rem = udp_size; /* Counts down bytes of packet to protect against buffer overruns. */ idx = 0; /* marches through packet header as parts are decoded. */ if ( decode_common(&cmn, udp_buf, &rem, &idx) < 0 ) { traceEvent( TRACE_ERROR, "Failed to decode common section" ); return -1; /* failed to decode packet */ } msg_type = cmn.pc; /* packet code */ from_supernode= cmn.flags & N2N_FLAGS_FROM_SUPERNODE; if ( cmn.ttl < 1 ) { traceEvent( TRACE_WARNING, "Expired TTL" ); return 0; /* Don't process further */ } --(cmn.ttl); /* The value copied into all forwarded packets. */ if ( msg_type == MSG_TYPE_PACKET ) { /* PACKET from one edge to another edge via supernode. */ /* pkt will be modified in place and recoded to an output of potentially * different size due to addition of the socket.*/ n2n_PACKET_t pkt; n2n_common_t cmn2; uint8_t encbuf[N2N_SN_PKTBUF_SIZE]; size_t encx=0; int unicast; /* non-zero if unicast */ const uint8_t * rec_buf; /* either udp_buf or encbuf */ sss->stats.last_fwd=now; decode_PACKET( &pkt, &cmn, udp_buf, &rem, &idx ); unicast = (0 == is_multi_broadcast(pkt.dstMac) ); traceEvent( TRACE_DEBUG, "Rx PACKET (%s) %s -> %s %s", (unicast?"unicast":"multicast"), macaddr_str( mac_buf, pkt.srcMac ), macaddr_str( mac_buf2, pkt.dstMac ), (from_supernode?"from sn":"local") ); if ( !from_supernode ) { memcpy( &cmn2, &cmn, sizeof( n2n_common_t ) ); /* We are going to add socket even if it was not there before */ cmn2.flags |= N2N_FLAGS_SOCKET | N2N_FLAGS_FROM_SUPERNODE; pkt.sock.family = AF_INET; pkt.sock.port = ntohs(sender_sock->sin_port); memcpy( pkt.sock.addr.v4, &(sender_sock->sin_addr.s_addr), IPV4_SIZE ); rec_buf = encbuf; /* Re-encode the header. */ encode_PACKET( encbuf, &encx, &cmn2, &pkt ); /* Copy the original payload unchanged */ encode_buf( encbuf, &encx, (udp_buf + idx), (udp_size - idx ) ); } else { /* Already from a supernode. Nothing to modify, just pass to * destination. */ traceEvent( TRACE_DEBUG, "Rx PACKET fwd unmodified" ); rec_buf = udp_buf; encx = udp_size; } /* Common section to forward the final product. */ if ( unicast ) { try_forward( sss, &cmn, pkt.dstMac, rec_buf, encx ); } else { try_broadcast( sss, &cmn, pkt.srcMac, rec_buf, encx ); } }/* MSG_TYPE_PACKET */ else if ( msg_type == MSG_TYPE_REGISTER ) { /* Forwarding a REGISTER from one edge to the next */ n2n_REGISTER_t reg; n2n_common_t cmn2; uint8_t encbuf[N2N_SN_PKTBUF_SIZE]; size_t encx=0; int unicast; /* non-zero if unicast */ const uint8_t * rec_buf; /* either udp_buf or encbuf */ sss->stats.last_fwd=now; decode_REGISTER( ®, &cmn, udp_buf, &rem, &idx ); unicast = (0 == is_multi_broadcast(reg.dstMac) ); if ( unicast ) { traceEvent( TRACE_DEBUG, "Rx REGISTER %s -> %s %s", macaddr_str( mac_buf, reg.srcMac ), macaddr_str( mac_buf2, reg.dstMac ), ((cmn.flags & N2N_FLAGS_FROM_SUPERNODE)?"from sn":"local") ); if ( 0 != (cmn.flags & N2N_FLAGS_FROM_SUPERNODE) ) { memcpy( &cmn2, &cmn, sizeof( n2n_common_t ) ); /* We are going to add socket even if it was not there before */ cmn2.flags |= N2N_FLAGS_SOCKET | N2N_FLAGS_FROM_SUPERNODE; reg.sock.family = AF_INET; reg.sock.port = ntohs(sender_sock->sin_port); memcpy( reg.sock.addr.v4, &(sender_sock->sin_addr.s_addr), IPV4_SIZE ); rec_buf = encbuf; /* Re-encode the header. */ encode_REGISTER( encbuf, &encx, &cmn2, ® ); /* Copy the original payload unchanged */ encode_buf( encbuf, &encx, (udp_buf + idx), (udp_size - idx ) ); } else { /* Already from a supernode. Nothing to modify, just pass to * destination. */ rec_buf = udp_buf; encx = udp_size; } try_forward( sss, &cmn, reg.dstMac, rec_buf, encx ); /* unicast only */ } else { traceEvent( TRACE_ERROR, "Rx REGISTER with multicast destination" ); } } else if ( msg_type == MSG_TYPE_REGISTER_ACK ) { traceEvent( TRACE_DEBUG, "Rx REGISTER_ACK (NOT IMPLEMENTED) SHould not be via supernode" ); } else if ( msg_type == MSG_TYPE_REGISTER_SUPER ) { n2n_REGISTER_SUPER_t reg; n2n_REGISTER_SUPER_ACK_t ack; n2n_common_t cmn2; uint8_t ackbuf[N2N_SN_PKTBUF_SIZE]; size_t encx=0; /* Edge requesting registration with us. */ sss->stats.last_reg_super=now; ++(sss->stats.reg_super); decode_REGISTER_SUPER( ®, &cmn, udp_buf, &rem, &idx ); cmn2.ttl = N2N_DEFAULT_TTL; cmn2.pc = n2n_register_super_ack; cmn2.flags = N2N_FLAGS_SOCKET | N2N_FLAGS_FROM_SUPERNODE; memcpy( cmn2.community, cmn.community, sizeof(n2n_community_t) ); memcpy( &(ack.cookie), &(reg.cookie), sizeof(n2n_cookie_t) ); memcpy( ack.edgeMac, reg.edgeMac, sizeof(n2n_mac_t) ); ack.lifetime = reg_lifetime( sss ); ack.sock.family = AF_INET; ack.sock.port = ntohs(sender_sock->sin_port); memcpy( ack.sock.addr.v4, &(sender_sock->sin_addr.s_addr), IPV4_SIZE ); ack.num_sn=0; /* No backup */ memset( &(ack.sn_bak), 0, sizeof(n2n_sock_t) ); traceEvent( TRACE_DEBUG, "Rx REGISTER_SUPER for %s [%s]", macaddr_str( mac_buf, reg.edgeMac ), sock_to_cstr( sockbuf, &(ack.sock) ) ); update_edge( sss, reg.edgeMac, cmn.community, &(ack.sock), now ); encode_REGISTER_SUPER_ACK( ackbuf, &encx, &cmn2, &ack ); sendto( sss->sock, ackbuf, encx, 0, (struct sockaddr *)sender_sock, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) ); traceEvent( TRACE_DEBUG, "Tx REGISTER_SUPER_ACK for %s [%s]", macaddr_str( mac_buf, reg.edgeMac ), sock_to_cstr( sockbuf, &(ack.sock) ) ); } return 0; } /* *************************************************** */ /** Help message to print if the command line arguments are not valid. */ static void help() { print_n2n_version(); printf("supernode (see supernode.conf)\n" "or\n" ); printf("supernode "); printf("-l "); printf("[-f] "); printf("[-v] "); printf("\n\n"); printf("-l \tSet UDP main listen port to \n"); #if defined(N2N_HAVE_DAEMON) printf("-f \tRun in foreground.\n"); #endif /* #if defined(N2N_HAVE_DAEMON) */ printf("-v \tIncrease verbosity. Can be used multiple times.\n"); printf("-h \tThis help message.\n"); printf("\n"); exit(1); } /* *************************************************** */ static int run_loop( n2n_sn_t * sss ); /* *************************************************** */ static int setOption(int optkey, char *optarg, n2n_sn_t *sss) { //traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "Option %c = %s", optkey, optarg ? optarg : ""); switch(optkey) { case 'l': /* local-port */ { sss->lport = atoi(optarg); break; } case 'f': /* foreground */ { sss->daemon = 0; break; } case 'h': /* help */ { help(); break; } case 'v': /* verbose */ { ++traceLevel; break; } default: { traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "Unknown option -%c: Ignored.", (char)optkey); return(-1); } } return(0); } /* *********************************************** */ static const struct option long_options[] = { { "foreground", no_argument, NULL, 'f' }, { "local-port", required_argument, NULL, 'l' }, { "help" , no_argument, NULL, 'h' }, { "verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'v' }, { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 } }; /* *************************************************** */ /* read command line options */ static int loadFromCLI(int argc, char * const argv[], n2n_sn_t *sss) { u_char c; while((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "fl:vh", long_options, NULL)) != '?') { if(c == 255) break; setOption(c, optarg, sss); } return 0; } /* *************************************************** */ static char *trim(char *s) { char *end; while(isspace(s[0]) || (s[0] == '"') || (s[0] == '\'')) s++; if(s[0] == 0) return s; end = &s[strlen(s) - 1]; while(end > s && (isspace(end[0])|| (end[0] == '"') || (end[0] == '\''))) end--; end[1] = 0; return s; } /* *************************************************** */ /* parse the configuration file */ static int loadFromFile(const char *path, n2n_sn_t *sss) { char buffer[4096], *line, *key, *value; u_int line_len, opt_name_len; FILE *fd; const struct option *opt; fd = fopen(path, "r"); if(fd == NULL) { traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "Config file %s not found", path); return -1; } while((line = fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fd)) != NULL) { line = trim(line); value = NULL; if((line_len = strlen(line)) < 2 || line[0] == '#') continue; if(!strncmp(line, "--", 2)) { /* long opt */ key = &line[2], line_len -= 2; opt = long_options; while(opt->name != NULL) { opt_name_len = strlen(opt->name); if(!strncmp(key, opt->name, opt_name_len) && (line_len <= opt_name_len || key[opt_name_len] == '\0' || key[opt_name_len] == ' ' || key[opt_name_len] == '=')) { if(line_len > opt_name_len) key[opt_name_len] = '\0'; if(line_len > opt_name_len + 1) value = trim(&key[opt_name_len + 1]); // traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "long key: %s value: %s", key, value); setOption(opt->val, value, sss); break; } opt++; } } else if(line[0] == '-') { /* short opt */ key = &line[1], line_len--; if(line_len > 1) key[1] = '\0'; if(line_len > 2) value = trim(&key[2]); // traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "key: %c value: %s", key[0], value); setOption(key[0], value, sss); } else { traceEvent(TRACE_WARNING, "Skipping unrecognized line: %s", line); continue; } } fclose(fd); return 0; } /* *************************************************** */ /** Main program entry point from kernel. */ int main( int argc, char * const argv[] ) { int rc; n2n_sn_t sss; if(argc == 1) help(); init_sn(&sss); #ifndef WIN32 if((argc >= 2) && (argv[1][0] != '-')) { rc = loadFromFile(argv[1], &sss); if (argc > 2) rc = loadFromCLI(argc, argv, &sss); } else #endif rc = loadFromCLI(argc, argv, &sss); if (rc < 0) return(-1); #if defined(N2N_HAVE_DAEMON) if (sss.daemon) { useSyslog=1; /* traceEvent output now goes to syslog. */ if ( -1 == daemon( 0, 0 ) ) { traceEvent( TRACE_ERROR, "Failed to become daemon." ); exit(-5); } } #endif /* #if defined(N2N_HAVE_DAEMON) */ traceEvent( TRACE_DEBUG, "traceLevel is %d", traceLevel); sss.sock = open_socket(sss.lport, 1 /*bind ANY*/ ); if ( -1 == sss.sock ) { traceEvent( TRACE_ERROR, "Failed to open main socket. %s", strerror(errno) ); exit(-2); } else { traceEvent( TRACE_NORMAL, "supernode is listening on UDP %u (main)", sss.lport ); } sss.mgmt_sock = open_socket(N2N_SN_MGMT_PORT, 0 /* bind LOOPBACK */ ); if ( -1 == sss.mgmt_sock ) { traceEvent( TRACE_ERROR, "Failed to open management socket. %s", strerror(errno) ); exit(-2); } else { traceEvent( TRACE_NORMAL, "supernode is listening on UDP %u (management)", N2N_SN_MGMT_PORT ); } traceEvent(TRACE_NORMAL, "supernode started"); return run_loop(&sss); } /** Long lived processing entry point. Split out from main to simply * daemonisation on some platforms. */ static int run_loop( n2n_sn_t * sss ) { uint8_t pktbuf[N2N_SN_PKTBUF_SIZE]; int keep_running=1; time_t last_purge_edges = 0; sss->start_time = time(NULL); while(keep_running) { int rc; ssize_t bread; int max_sock; fd_set socket_mask; struct timeval wait_time; time_t now=0; FD_ZERO(&socket_mask); max_sock = MAX(sss->sock, sss->mgmt_sock); FD_SET(sss->sock, &socket_mask); FD_SET(sss->mgmt_sock, &socket_mask); wait_time.tv_sec = 10; wait_time.tv_usec = 0; rc = select(max_sock+1, &socket_mask, NULL, NULL, &wait_time); now = time(NULL); if(rc > 0) { if (FD_ISSET(sss->sock, &socket_mask)) { struct sockaddr_in sender_sock; socklen_t i; i = sizeof(sender_sock); bread = recvfrom( sss->sock, pktbuf, N2N_SN_PKTBUF_SIZE, 0/*flags*/, (struct sockaddr *)&sender_sock, (socklen_t*)&i); if ( bread < 0 ) /* For UDP bread of zero just means no data (unlike TCP). */ { /* The fd is no good now. Maybe we lost our interface. */ traceEvent( TRACE_ERROR, "recvfrom() failed %d errno %d (%s)", bread, errno, strerror(errno) ); keep_running=0; break; } /* We have a datagram to process */ if ( bread > 0 ) { /* And the datagram has data (not just a header) */ process_udp( sss, &sender_sock, pktbuf, bread, now ); } } if (FD_ISSET(sss->mgmt_sock, &socket_mask)) { struct sockaddr_in sender_sock; size_t i; i = sizeof(sender_sock); bread = recvfrom( sss->mgmt_sock, pktbuf, N2N_SN_PKTBUF_SIZE, 0/*flags*/, (struct sockaddr *)&sender_sock, (socklen_t*)&i); if ( bread <= 0 ) { traceEvent( TRACE_ERROR, "recvfrom() failed %d errno %d (%s)", bread, errno, strerror(errno) ); keep_running=0; break; } /* We have a datagram to process */ process_mgmt( sss, &sender_sock, pktbuf, bread, now ); } } else { traceEvent( TRACE_DEBUG, "timeout" ); } purge_expired_registrations( &(sss->edges), &last_purge_edges ); } /* while */ deinit_sn( sss ); return 0; }